Recycle this…

Recycling tips for West Sussex


WSCC Recycling Ambassador Colin McFarlin regularly shares his knowledge with the community on the tricky matter of recycling in our domestic blue bins. We, here at Lindfield Life, will be collecting all his invaluable tips and tricks and displaying them here on this handy online guide. We aim to add a new recycling tip every month, so be sure to check back.
All the information collected here was correct at the time it went to press. To check it is still correct please email the editor at

Important note: All items for recycling should be:

  • Clean - free from food and drink leftovers

  • Dry - keep your recycling bin lid shut

  • Loose - no plastic bags.

Did you know that you now need to book an appointment to visit a recycling centre in West Sussex?

This is to cut down on long queues and give our staff more time to offer help and give you recycling advice. Here are the key points...
- Appointments are available 14 days in advance.
- You need to provide the registration number of the vehicle you will be attending the centre in when you book. If you are hiring a vehicle and this is unknown, you will be asked to show the hire paperwork at the centre.
- You need to provide the registration number of the vehicle you will be attending the centre in when you book. If you are hiring a vehicle and this is unknown, you will be asked to show the hire paperwork at the centre.
- Anyone using a Recycling Centre is still required to provide proof of residency in West Sussex. You will still need to show one form of identification.

Bubble wrap and food bags

Cans, tins and packs

Large household waste and white goods

Small electricals

Reducing black bin waste

Which plastic is recyclable plastic?

Till receipts


Plastic and metal lids

General bin etiquette

Unwanted medicines

Plastic flower pots

Clothing and textiles

Metal milk bottle tops

Biodegradable and compostable materials

Aluminium foil

Soft plastic bags and packets

Wrapping paper, glitter and seasonal

Old computer cables and IT

Light bulbs and florescent lamps

Home coffee pods



Cosmetic tubes

Toothpaste tubes

Candle Wax

Food Waste

Supermart food netting

New information is added when it becomes available. Please check back periodically to keep up to date with all things recycling in West Sussex.