Candle wax — Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

Candle wax

To recycle your used candles a little effort is required.

First, you need to separate the waste wax from its container. You can scrape it out, but I have found the best way is to simply pop them into a plastic bag and pop them into your freezer. The next day the wax is very easy to separate from its container.
Now you have wax and a container. You could have a go at making your own candles. Look online and you can buy 50 new wicks for under a tenner, and then blend together all your favourite candles to make a new ones in your favourite containers.

Another alternative is to find someone who will use your used candles and containers and I am happy to tell you that at Lindfield Repair Café (first Saturday of each month at 10am), we collect all your used candles, and they will be made into new candles. No need to separate the candle wax from the container, just drop them off.

A final option is to dispose of them yourself. Separate the wax and container, and the tea light containers are aluminium and can go into your blue top kerbside recycling bin, provided they are clean of all wax.

Waste wax must go into your blacktop rubbish bin. If the container is glass or plastic, it is more problematic, as it may have a higher melting temperature so it does not set alight with the candle, and so is not able to be kerbside recycled. Blacktop bin again.