Books — Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex


Do you have shelves full of books, hardbacks and paperbacks, that you will not read or use for reference? They are there because, well, that is where they have been for years!

Well first of all, do look at all your books. Do you have any really old books? They could have a value. I had a copy of ‘When You Were Very Young’ by A A Milne. I contacted Jonkers Rare Books online and they paid me £20. I paid for postage and they paid £20 into my bank account.

Another option is to download an app from This will allow you to scan your books and tell you instantly if it has a value. For example, James Patterson’s The Ninth Month = 60p, and Lynne Truss, Eats Shoots and Leaves = 53p. Imagine what a whole shelf is worth?

Another site to try is This website specialises in those big expensive academic tomes. Happy scanning.

And finally, if they cannot go to a charity shop, or you cannot sell them, you can take them to the Household Waste Recycling Centre – ‘The Tip’ to you and I. There is a special bin just for books, all will be recycled.