HGV — Lindfield Blog — Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex


Hopes to reduce dangerous traffic at Lewes Road, Lindfield

A group of concerned residents are campaigning to make a key junction in Lindfield safer.


Lindfield Traffic Group is made up of a number of people who are concerned about the safety of pedestrians and cyclists using Lewes Road at the junction to the High Street, as well as the impact which large trucks are having on the village in general.

Lewes Road measures 4.65m wide at the narrowest point by the old Post Office and only has a single pavement for pedestrians. Yet it doesn’t have any weight or width restrictions (unlike both Denmans Lane and Hickmans Lane).

When West Sussex County Council’s Economy, Planning and Place Directorate was consulted by Mid Sussex District Council regarding large housing developments off Gravelye Lane. it advised that HGV routing should be via A272 and specifically not from the High Street (B2028) and Lewes Road (B2111). However the group has discovered that hauliers of all kinds appear to not be following this recommendation. On this basis, Lindfield Traffic Group is proposing a weight limit of 7.5 tonne on the road is the only way to safeguard both pedestrians and cyclists.

Members of the group are encouraging concerned residents of the village to add their names to an online petition, which will be open until the end of January, after which it will be submitted to WSCC.

The petition can be found here: www.change.org/p/lindfield-village-hgv-weight-restriction