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Village Day
As you may know village day this year is on 1st June - again we looking forward to having our stall – we will have a free to enter competition for the children and would love you to come over to see what we do – you can tell us about what you like about Lindfield or things that you like to see done better. We represent you the residents so your opinions matter to us.
Keeping in touch
Just to remind you that we really appreciate it when residents keep in touch and let us know how we can help. Don’t forget that contact can be made via Facebook or via our website lindfieldrural-pc. or email or telephone number 01444 831499. Our staff work predominately at home however they are very willing to meet with you on site or at our offices located in the Walstead Burial Ground, they can be contacted using the details above to make an appointment.
To read the full newsletter, pick up your copy of June’s Lindfield Life or click the images to enlarge.