Talk Club Haywards Heath

A male mental health charity in Haywards Heath - Talk Club

Talk Club

It’s a simple question that starts every Talk Club. But it’s a question that’s saving lives.

International Men’s Day is observed on 19th November, and Talk Club is a grassroots male mental health charity. Founded in March 2019 it has now grown into a force for good, with over 2,500 men in its community and 67 groups around the globe. It’s a positive space for men to be heard, to be vulnerable, to be themselves and to talk about what is bothering them. We concentrate on mental fitness. (Like physical fitness, but for your mind) which in turn will prevent mental ill health. To get men to look after themselves before it’s too late. Because for many it is too late.

Talk Club starts with How are you? Out of 10? It’s to spark that conversation. Every man’s number is different. One man’s 5 is another man’s 8, it’s just a technique to get men to open up, and it works. A typical session is held in a comfortable quiet space. There are typically 8-10 men in a group but it can be less. There are 4 rounds:
1. How are you? Out of 10? And why?
2. What are you grateful for? (What is good in your life?)
3. How are you going to look after your mental fitness this week?
And finally, your checkout number?

It typically lasts two hours, and should probably be called ‘Listening Club’ because, although you are probably talking for only 15 minutes, you are listening for the rest. Actively listening. Getting heard.

Haywards Heath TALK CLUB is open to all men over 18. It’s FREE and takes place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month between 7pm and 9pm at Ashenground Community Centre, Southdown Close, Haywards Heath RH16 4JR.

If you’d like to go along, contact Nathan on 07525 125535 or email:

Haywards Heath welcomes a Talk Club for men

Talk Club

By Gavin Demurger-Jones

It’s a simple question that starts every Talk Club. But it’s a question that’s saving lives. Talk Club is a grassroots male mental health charity. Founded in Bristol in March 2019 it has now grown into a force for good, with over 2,500 men in its community and 67 groups around the globe.

It’s a positive space for men to be vulnerable, to be themselves, to talk about what is bothering them. We concentrate on mental fitness. (Like physical fitness, but for your mind) which in turn will prevent mental ill-health. To get men to look after themselves before it’s too late. Because for many it is too late. Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK. 76% of suicides are male. 16 men a day. A man every 90 minutes. One of those men was Talk Club co-founder and co-CEO Ben Akers’s childhood best friend Steve Yates. But he wasn’t a number. He was a father. A son. A husband. And a friend... Ben’s friend.

He was an everyday, funny, generous awesome bloke. He got so unwell he believed that the friends and family that loved him would be better off without him. Which, of course, is completely untrue. But that’s what mental illness does. It changes the way they look at the world. The way they look at themselves. Talk Club is all based around a question that gets men talking: How are you? Out of 10? It’s to spark that conversation. To get men to own that moment, to use it as a way to say I’m in trouble. Every man’s number is different. One man’s 5 is another man’s 8, it’s just a technique to get men to open up, but it’s working.

A typical session is held in a male comfortable space like in the back room of a pub or a sports club. There are typically 8-10 men in a group but it can be less. ‘Haywards Heath TALK CLUB’ has just started and is open to all men over 18. It’s FREE and takes place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month between 7.30 and 9.30pm. If you’d like to come, contact Nathan on 07525 125535 or