Mid Sussex Applauds 2022
By Claire Cooper
Community champions from Lindfield were rewarded for their outstanding contributions to village life at this year’s Mid Sussex Applauds Awards, picking up honours in several categories.
From Lifetime Achievement and Stronger Together, to Business in the Community and Take Pride in Mid Sussex, Lindfield residents impressed the judges in the annual awards, which showcase the amazing people, groups and organisations in the district and highlight community spirit.
Christina Chelmick, Mark Plass, Trevor Carpenter, Andi Frost, Esther Featherstone, and Michael Wain were among those who gathered at the South of England Showground to receive their awards from High Sheriff of West Sussex James Whitmore.
Christina was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award, sponsored by JobsGoPublic, in recognition of her work with Good Neighbours Care.
Set up by the Methodist Church in 1983, Good Neighbours Care has around 150 volunteers who support more than 300 clients with transportation for shopping trips and hospital, GP, and dentist appointments. Founder member and current chair Christina, was nominated by volunteer Len Kruse, describing her as ‘a selfless individual, who has always shown compassion in abundance’.
“Following ‘timeout’ raising a family, she undertook a position of volunteer secretary and for the last five years Christina has been the chair,” added Len.
“The Covid issues presented various logistical challenges, but Christina and her team overcame most problems, especially when some clients felt vulnerable, often leading her to make courtesy visits and assisting with any potential needs.”
A delighted Christina said: “I was astonished to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award - it makes me feel very old! However, I was delighted to accept it on the behalf of all our volunteers who have worked so hard over the last 40 years, giving practical help to the elderly and housebound in the local area.”
Lindfield Repair Café founder Trevor Carpenter was thrilled to pick up two awards - overall winner of the Stronger Together Award, sponsored by The Orchards Shopping Centre, and commended in the Take Pride in Mid Sussex Award, sponsored by ID Verde.
Single dad Trevor was nominated by several residents including Repair Café volunteer Liam Dasey: “Trevor set up the Repair Café a year ago and has created a great community of helpers and repairers who come together once a month to help the local community repair objects that would otherwise end up in landfill,” said Liam. “However, Trevor has gone beyond just the core Repair Café activities and continually invites in other groups and organisations with the same ethos and philosophy as the Repair Café, to move towards a more sustainable way of living, reducing waste and landfill. “Trevor’s energy, drive and enthusiasm is what encourages the other helpers and repairers, who together have made the Repair Café the success it is.” Attending the award with his son Kai, Trevor said: “The award means so much as this year has brought a lot of personal challenges. It makes all the hardship feel worthwhile. For me the best moment was seeing my son so proud of me! “I feel a slight fraud because so many volunteers have given up their time to make the Repair Café such a success, so I accepted this award on their behalf. It is wonderful to be recognised. We are blessed in Mid Sussex with so many organisations and volunteers who also deserve acknowledgement for what they do. “We all know how hard life is getting, I applaud anyone who gives their time, and it is true that you get more out of giving than receiving.”
Described as ‘a superb example of community spirit in action and an encouragement to those around him’, Mark Plass was Highly Commended in the Take Pride in Mid Sussex Award, following a nomination from Lindfield Life editor David Tingley.
“Mark’s passion for those around him truly came to the fore during the first lockdown,” David explained. “After volunteering with the Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group in Haywards Heath, he organised a food collection station in his garage for the foodbank, which he then expanded to include small household items of furniture needed by those in emergency accommodation locally. In the early days of Covid, Mark even sourced and delivered PPE to nearby care homes and doctors’ surgeries.” David added that Mark also sprang into action after seeing the rise in overflowing public waste bins during lockdown. Leading by example, he gathered a group of friends to help collected litter on the Common. This group has evolved to become the Love Lindfield Litter Action Group.
“Since Covid, Mark has thrown himself fully into the organisation of Lindfield Village Day. He was responsible for running the redefined Food & Drink Quarter and for booking in and liaising with vendors and other parties, creating fantastic additions to the event,” added David, who is also co-chair of Village Day. “You can’t put on fantastic events like Village Day, without amazing people like Mark on your team. He’s a community superstar!” Thrilled with his award, Mark commented: “I am just one of many Wombles that help make Lindfield the amazing village it is. I do hope I can inspire at least one other person in the village to get out there and make things happen.
To read all about the other deserving winners around Lindfield, pick up a copy of January’s Lindfield Life and turn to page 16.