Lindfield Repair Café — Lindfield Blog — Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

Lindfield Repair Café

Lindfield Repair Café celebrates third anniversary

By Nicola Coughlin

November sees Lindfield Repair Café celebrate its 3-year anniversary. “This month is about giving huge thanks to all our amazing volunteers,” said founder Trevor Carpenter. ‘Without every one of them, our Repair Café would not have been such a great success. Thanks also to all our very supportive visitors, many of whom are now regulars.

The Repair Café has had nearly 3,000 visitors since it first opened its doors in November 2021 and more than 2,300 repairs have been completed. Crucially, this means that all these items have been prevented from going to landfill and furthermore, energy and resources have been saved in avoiding the need for replacements to be manufactured.

Many treasured items are also being restored. Last month, 94-year-old Nelly brought in her Carrom board (pictured), and skilled repairers Marta and Paul are working together to restore it for her.

“The Repair Café is so well run and offers such a fantastic local service,” said visitor Simon Drane. ‘I was so pleased that Nick was able to fix our statue. It’s great to see the community pull together in this way, reducing waste and offering items a new lease of life.”

As well as welcoming several local community projects to the Repair Café, collection points have been set up for recycling used candle wax and batteries.

In November, donations of green electric circuit boards are being collected so that children in the Kids Room can make the word ‘Computer’ from them. Please bring along any printed circuit boards that you no longer need or contact

Lindfield Repair Café volunteers also offer computer advice and can help with many technical issues. Lindfield Repair Café is held at Lindfield United Reformed Church, between 10am-1pm. Forthcoming events: Saturday 2nd November, Saturday 7th December, and Saturday 4th January.