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Village clean up day
On the 14th October we linked up with Lindfield Parish Council and contributed to the Lindfield village clean up day. Our thanks to Councillor Debbie Nisbett who arranged for a team of volunteers to clear the footpath on Scamps Hill between Gravelye Lane and the new Walstead Development. The footpath had become overgrown and was also attracting litter. It is our intertion to contribute futher to clean up days and we will come back to this in the future, if you can spare a morning to help us when the time comes, it makes such a difference to the look of the area and is great for the environment.
Planning Applications
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Lindfield Rural Parish Council is a statutory planning consultee and is therefore notified every week by Mid Sussex District Council of planning applications that have been lodged within our the parish area. We have our own Planning Committee (chaired by Councillor Christian Bode) which considers each application within the deadline for submitting comments. The committee are happy to receive comments from members of the public on individual applications as part of deciding the council’s response. To assist the public in understanding the planning process the council has produce a step-by-step guide see Guide to planning application process which can be found on our website and we would encourage you to use the Mid Sussex District Council Planning Portal to view all applications.
To read the full newsletter, pick up your copy of December’s Lindfield Life and turn to pages 38 - 39.