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Annual Parish Meeting 2024
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The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th April from 8pm at The King Edward Hall and we invite all residents of Lindfield to join us. This is the opportunity for residents to meet their local parish councillors, learn more about what we do as a Parish Council and learn more about how to get involved. The Parish Meeting (which, it must be stressed, is NOT a meeting of the Parish Council) is a forum for local government electors to discuss parish affairs and to pass resolutions on them, although such resolutions are not binding on the Parish Council. As this Parish has a Parish Council, it is the Council’s Chairman who must convene the meeting and, if present, chair it. A representative from Good Neighbours CARE (Haywards Heath, Cuckfield and Lindfield) will be attending and giving a presentation on the charity’s work. We also hope that the District and County Councillors for Lindfield will be attending. The Agenda will be on the Parish Council’s notice board in Denmans Lane nearer the time, as well as on our website (
To read the full newsletter, click the images to enlarge them or pick up April’s Lindfield Life.