Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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How well do you know Lindfield? Lindfield Quiz

How many of the following locations can you identify from the close up photo? Answers following with reveal photographs underneath. Don't call; its just for fun!

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Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....

Scroll down for the Lindfield Quiz answers....


1. The Post box at the end of Finches Gardens

2. Lindfield Post Office hand rail

3. Button push at 105 High Street (Lime Cottage)

4. The industrial-looking chimney on Happy Feet

5. Humphrey's Bakery

6. Greyfriars, Gravelye Lane

7. The Manor House, High Street

8. Malling Priory, High Street

9. The cart outside Glyn Thomas & Sons

10. Brickwork on the side of The Bent Arms, Lindfield

11. Swans sculpture by Paul Badham (Will & Kate) at Barncroft Drive (The Limes)

12. The building home to Denziloe & Tufnells on Lindfield High Street